For the LPC800 processor chip from NXP there is a switch matrix configuration tool available at [1]. This is a .jar file (inside a ZIP-archive]. After downloading and unpacking, the resulting .jar Java file can be run by executing the following command from a terminal window: shell $ java -jar [Jar file Name]
Month: April 2013
The PDF-file for the “CC2530ZNP Mini Kit quick start guide rev. A” is located at It mentions some software examples and drivers, which are not easily to find … The CC2530ZNP start page is at which points to the CC2530ZDK-ZNP-MINI at which in turn (link just above “More Informations”) points to the …
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On the Embedded World fair in Nuremburg this year, I got an LPC812-LPCXpresso board [1] from some friendly guys at the both of of “Future Electronics” [2].